Your SSA Vocational Expert training solution!

1 goal – 3 levels – multiple methods of success!

Stroud Vocational Expert Services has partnered with elitePOD to combine the art and science of becoming a Vocational Expert witness for the Social Security Administration into a multi-level solution for you or your organization. The 3 levels below – the VE Launchpad Course, the SSA VE Simulator, and the SSA VE Checklists – combine or stand alone…providing a complete solution for your training and validation needs.  Whether you aspire to become a VE witness for SSA, seek to minimize your training time or dollars while maximizing return on investment, or simply need a better way to validate SSA VE performance – these solutions provide your roadmap to success!

Stroud Academy is your resource when learning the ins and outs of becoming or gaining knowledge as a Social Security Administration Vocational Expert (SSAVE). Check out our YouTube channel here!




Taking you from CRC/ABVE to VE through over 40 Lessons and 5 Partial Task Trainers for a true multi-level solution.  This course employs adult learning principles through micro-learning to break down VE requirements & tasks into building blocks for maximum retention. The partial task trainer uses proven methods from the US Air Force Weapons School to drive greater skills & process retention…growing confidence and performance faster!  Check out our course catalog!


The SSA VE simulators apply principles from medical school training at universities worldwide, as well as FAA/DoD simulator and in-flight instruction techniques.  These Full Mission Profiles (think entire cycle of testimony from scheduling to testimony complete) replicate the entire cradle to grave process each SSA VE undergoes…applying VE Launchpad and Social Security Administration precepts in real time to prepare for and deliver testimony as an impartial witness for SSA. This is your key to validating yourself or your SSA VEs for unrivaled BPA performance!

SSA VE Checklists include graphics integrating your newfound knowledge with requirements and references to build muscle memory, retention, and repeat performance success!  Use of these checklists minimizes risk to the BPA holder while keeping every VE on track with what they must know, consider, and do throughout the research, preparation, and testimony process.

Pick your solution – or partner with Stroud VE Services to train your VEs for you! Give us a call to develop a program that fits YOUR needs!

Call us today or enter your contact below for more information!